Overview of The Roper Lock Box Critical Entry Municipality Program

With 16%+ of the population over the age of 65, and nearly 40% suffering from some form of disability or lack of mobility, providing critical emergency care at a residence has become a more common requirement for emergency service personnel. 

If forced entry is required to assist the patient, not only are precious moments wasted in the process, but severe damage may be done to the patient’s residence in order to gain access for treatment. By implementing a Roper Lock Box Critical Entry System, departments can eliminate the need to force entry, and save precious moments that can be spent providing care for their patient(s).

United States Emergency Service personnel treat and transport upwards of 25 million patients per year, with those patients between the ages of 61-70 years old making up approximately 30% of that number. The majority of these reported instances are due to patients falling.

The Roper Municipal Critical Entry Lock Box Program provides Safety Personnel prompt accessibility to treat participating residents, saving precious moments when they matter the most.


This affordable, highly effective keyed solution provides the resident the peace of mind their Emergency Medical Services will be able to provide care in case of emergency, while also providing the responding Department an additional tool to eliminate forced entry, and the administrative duty that comes with it.

Peace of Mind

  • By placing a lock box discretely at the entry of an at-risk resident’s home it provides residents with the peace of mind knowing that emergency personnel can procedurally enter their homes in emergency situations.  Older home bound residents or those with disabilities are just a couple of groups that benefit from such a program.
  • Utilizing a lock box provides assurance for family members – Knowing their loved can be quickly treated in the case of emergency.


Emergency Personnel Benefits

  • Prompt entry into a residence in time of emergency; Eliminate the need for forced entry, in addition to the stress and administrative duty it may create.
  • Emergency personnel may store medical or other pertinent information in the box, such as allergies, existing conditions, medications, emergency contact info etc. that can provide immediate assistance for treatment on location.
  • With forced entry comes the requirement for administrative paperwork to document the forced entry and the protocol followed to secure the premises. When you eliminate forced entry, you eliminate the need to document the forced entry and re-secure the residence. Simply secure the key and/or information card back in the Lock Box.


Customization and Exclusivity

  • We currently offer thousands of possible key combinations – New departments will receive a custom code upon initiation of their system.
  • Entry keys are assigned and sold to the authorized contacts of record at the specified Department or City – using Roper Key Authorization Protocols.
  • With 6(six) different lock boxes, multiple lock styles and coding options– Departments can choose which box functionally best serves their residents and their emergency response protocols.


Finances and Affordability

  • Our aim is to provide a high-quality and affordable lock boxes, that any aging adult can afford to utilize in case of an emergency situation. With many aging adults on a fixed income – Please ask about how we can help provide the best possible pricing and distribution solutions to help serve your community.
  • There are no monthly fees for use of our lock boxes. This keeps pricing affordable in long term situations – and gives a department option(s) to issue a “loaner” box that can be utilized for a short period of time to an at-risk resident, or however the Department deems fit in assisting their personnel and residents.
  • Municipalities may choose to purchase boxes coded for their department directly from Roper Lock Box LLC, or Departments may authorize residents to purchase directly from Roper by utilizing a custom Direct to Resident Web Page, as approved by individual Department(s) and/or City.
  • Considering demographics to most likely utilize these items, Departments may choose to utilize their knowledge of their community to better distribute boxes to their at-risk residents, as opposed to utilizing our Direct to Resident Web Page, or manual order placement via a sales representative.


Please contact us for more information regarding specialized coding, mounting and pricing options for your Department or City.


DISCLAIMER There is no such key lock box that is tamper proof. Our boxes are for critical entry purposes only and not intended for broader security applications. Our boxes are intended to save seconds, to save lives.



All sources for the above information.

Mobility is Most Common Disability Among Older Americans (census.gov)


Older Population and Aging (census.gov)


2021 NEMSIS National EMS Data Report – NEMSIS